Antiques, Fine Art, Affordable Art, Jewellery, Collectables, Deceased Estate
Under instruction from various vendorsClick Here to view the Auction!
Type of Auction: | Timed On-Line Auction |
Auction Start: | 25/10/2018 2:00 PM |
Auction End: | 29/10/2018 5:00 PM |
Location: | At our Auction Facilities 33-41 Annie Street, Wickham (Newcastle) |
Inspection Times: | Saturday 27th October 10am - 1pm, Monday 29th October 9am - 12pm |
Catalog File: | October Antiques |
Buyer's Premium: | 24.5% Including GST and Internet Fee plus $3 per lot. |
Payment Terms: | Cash, EFTPOS, Credit/Debit Cards (Visa & Mastercard only) |
Collection Times: | Tuesday 30th October 10am - 4pm |
Conditions of Sale: | This auction is Pickup only. These assets are used therefore inspection is highly recommended prior to bidding. Description and photos should be a guide only, no refund will be given. Staff are on site for security purposes only. Make sure you have suitable transport. |